Dedicated To Bringing Our Boys Home

Join us in the fight to Bring the Boys Home!

Dead Boy Detectives is a supernatural, horror detective television series developed by Steve Yockey, based on the DC Comic Series of the same name. The show follows Edwin Payne (George Rexstrew) and Charles Rowland (Jayden Revri) as they embark on Ghostly Adventures with their psychic friend, Crystal Palace (Kassius Nelson). The series has garnered praise between critics and with a 92% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes, a renewal was looking imminent. However, on Friday, August 30th 2024, 128 days after the show originally began airing, Netflix made the unfortunate decision to cancel Dead Boy Detectives. Help us reverse that decision!

How To Help

Follow these steps in order to do your part! Above all, take breaks if you need to, in order to avoid burning yourself out!

Sign The Petition

We’re stronger in numbers. In order to show multiple streaming services that there is an audience waiting to see season 2, please consider signing the petition!

Stream The Show

Continuously and repeatedly if possible. We are attempting to get Dead Boy Detectives back into the Top 10 list where-ever possible!

Go Send An Email

Use the templates and emails located below to tell important people and companies that we would like the show to continue!

Keep Yourself Updated

Keep yourself up to date for what to do next with our linked social medias! This is the best way to ensure we are all on the same page!

Keep A Unified Front

Our efforts to save this show is only possible if we keep ourselves organized and all work on the same things at once!

Use The Hashtags

Be loud on social media! Getting the hashtags trending is a wonderful way to tell these companies that we’re still interested in seeing the series continue!

Follow these guidelines so we can have the most effective and organized campaign possible to save the show! Lets have a unified front!


1. Show your support for the cast and crew but don’t unnecessarily tag them. They’re most likely not allowed to engage with what we’re doing. Don’t expect them to mention any of this.

2. Hateful or negative comments will and have come. Simply block them and move on. Don’t engage or discuss with them. You’re not going to change their minds and will only potentially discredit yourself.

3. Yes we have set all of this up in a short amount of time. That doesn’t mean we have to do it all at once as that will mean it’ll burn out faster.

4. When you send an email PLEASE DO NOT mention the petition. We will be working on getting it to them with the information that they need once the time is right. Mentioning it might flag it as spam and the actual petition might get overlooked that way.

5. Take time for yourself offline. We all love this show but school, work and mental health should not suffer from this. Take breaks when needed.

Your Voice Is Powerful

Your voice is powerful. One of the best ways we can get attention to revive this wonderful show is by sending emails to get streaming platforms to listen to us! Below are links to the email list and template to use when sending said emails. Please ensure to make small changes to the email template, so it does not get tagged as spam. Once again, PLEASE DO NOT mention the petition in your emails, otherwise it will be marked as spam. We will have delegated individuals send the petition when the time comes, but for now, just work on getting their attention through other ways!

Important Emails

Warner Bros

This is another email to get into contact with Warner Bros.

Warner Bros

This is one of the best ways to reach out to Warner Bros.


This is the email to contact CW TV.

Kirsty Claridge

Kirsty Claridge is the PR manager at Amazon Studios.

Questions? We’re Happy To Answer Them!