
Days Between Premiere & Cancellation

Ratings Of The Show & Episodes

Rotten Tomatoes score of the show as of September 5th, 2024.

Overall Rating of the show on IMDB.

Top 2 rated episodes for Dead Boy Detectives.

IMDB rating for Episode 1, The Case of Crystal Palace.

IMDB rating for Episode 2, The Case of The Dandelion Shrine.

IMDB rating for Episode 3, The Case of The Devlin House.

IMDB rating for Episode 4, The Case of The Lighthouse Leapers.

IMDB rating for Episode 5, The Case of The Two Dead Dragons.

IMDB rating for Episode 6, The Case of The Creeping Forest.

IMDB rating for Episode 7, The Case of The Very Long Stairway.

IMDB rating for Episode 8, The Case of The Hungry Snake.

Statistics From The First Week

Statistics of Dead Boy Detectives success from the first week of release.

Archive Of Our Own Fandom Growth

The growth of the Dead Boy Detectives Fandom on the website Archive Of Our Own. These statistics will be updated on a weekly basis.

Dead Boy Detectives makes the number 1 spot for fastest growing fandoms with at least 1-5k fics on September 5th, 2024.

Dead Boy Detectives and its steady and constant incline on fics added to AO3 as of September 6th, 2024.

Petition Statistics

Keep Up With the petition and see our growth! The statistics charts will be updated on a weekly basis.

Growth of the Petition

Average number of signatures each day since the petition was created on Updated as of September 6th, 2024.